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Teodóra Róka

Teodóra Róka was born in Hungary in 1998, currently living in the Netherlands. In Hungary, she studied ar t history and the fundaments of drawing from Zoltán Farkas. At the age of 18, she moved to the Netherlands on her own - attending NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. During her university years in the Netherlands, she took lessons of painting techniques from Sjaak Menger, working as a studio assistant in his atelier for a year. Following that, she completed her specialisation in Modern and Contemporary Ar t and Design - Modern Art & Ideas by MoMA. For the past 4 years, she has maintained her own practice as an independent ar tist and curator in the North of the Netherlands. Next to several solo- and group exhibitions, she founded and curated the ‘DREAMZZ’ ar tist residency for female ar tists, collaborated with par ties such as Explore the North festival, Arcadia, VHDG and Stukafest. Róka’s interdisciplinary practice is mainly focused on painting, sculptures and performance ar t. She believes in giving back to her community, and she has generously donated her time and work over the years to charities such as International Kinderhulp Nederland, Kesho Congo NGO and government schools of Bhaktapur, Nepal.

Thanks in par t to international fairs and gallery exhibitions in which she has par ticipated, Róka ’s work can be found in company- and private collections throughout the world.

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